
It’s all about partnership working!

In order to deliver such a wide variety of projects, it was important that the Ingleborough Dales Landscape Partnership involved as many people and organisations as possible to help make things happen.

As well as working with local community and voluntary groups, local schools, grant recipients and over a hundred supporters, the Landscape Partnership benefited from the expertise and dedicated support of it's board members. The Stories in Stone Lanscape Partnership Board met regularly throughout the scheme delivery to provide strategic direction in order to meet the requirements set at development.

The following partners had representatives on the board:

YDMT is a small charity doing big things in the Yorkshire Dales. It works to conserve and restore native habitats and wildlife, safeguard and celebrate the special landscape and its unique heritage, provides grants and support to local people to help them deliver their own projects, works with young people to create the next generation of people who care about the environment, and enables people from all backgrounds to discover, enjoy and understand this special area. YDMT is proud to be the lead partner of the Ingleborough Dales Landscape Partnership.

To find out more click here

Established in 1954, the Yorkshire Dales National Park Authority's role is clearly defined by its two statutory purposes. These are:

  • to conserve and enhance the natural beauty, wildlife and cultural heritage of the National Park
  • to promote opportunities for the understanding and enjoyment of the special qualities of the area by the public.

To find out more click here

Yorkshire Wildlife Trust is a local charity working to protect and conserve Yorkshire's wild places and wildlife for all to enjoy. It cares for more than 97 nature reserves in Yorkshire including Southerscales on the side of Ingleborough, within the Stories in Stone area.

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The Trust offers a range of practical fieldwork opportunities, classroom-based courses and practical workshops.

The Trust has two aims: to educate the public in the archaeology and landscape history of the Pennine Dales of Yorkshire, and to promote high standards of research relating to the heritage of the Pennine Dales of Yorkshire and to publish the results to the public.

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Natural England is the government’s adviser for the natural environment in England, helping to protect England’s nature and landscapes for people to enjoy and for the services they provide.

Natural England manages Ingleborough National Nature Reserve, which covers more than 1,000 hectares on the land surrounding Ingleborough.

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Hanson UK is the country's leading producer of heavy construction materials.

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Tarmac, a CRH company, is the UK’s leading sustainable building materials and construction solutions business. Our innovative services and solutions help to deliver the infrastructure needed to grow the economy today and create a more sustainable built environment to support our future prosperity.

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