Scheme Videos

Many videos have been created as part of the scheme, some by our project partners and some by YDMT.

You can view all YDMT's videos on the YouTube channel.

Stories in Stone - The first year

A film to summarise the achievements of the first year of the scheme.

View in full resolution on the YDMT YouTube channel.

Thorns Through Time

This video summarises the work of this archaeological project. Full information about the projects aims and acheivements can be viewed on the Thorns project page.

View in full resolution on the YDMT YouTube channel.

Trainees and Apprentices

A video featuring Kay and her experience as a Stories in Stone Trainee based at Ingleborough National Nature Reserve with the Natural England team.

View in full resolution on the YDMT YouTube channel.

A video to summarise the Rural Trainees project, featuring several of the young people involved. Full information about the project's aims and acheivements can be viewed on the Rural Trainees page.

View in full resolution on the YDMT YouTube channel.

The World Beneath Your Feet

Showcasing the Ingleborough Caves: a short video to promote caving to a wider general audience. This film was produced by Yorkshire Dales Guides as part of a Heritage Grant project. You can find more about this, and the many other funded projects, on the Heritage Grants page.

View in full resolution on the YDMT YouTube channel.

Lives on the Line

Mike Harding and Karin Grandal-Park discuss the inspiration behind Karin's Lives on the Line CD, produced as part of the Stories in Stone collection of interpretation projects. You can find more about this, and the many other funded projects, on the Brand and Interpretation page.

View in full resolution on Karin's YouTube channel.

Ingleborough Toposcope

A summary of the repair of the shelter on the Ingleborough summit. This film includes footage from the original consrtuction of the shelter in the early 1950s. You can find more about this, and the many other funded projects, on the Heritage Grants page.

View in full resolution on Yorkshire Dales National Park's YouTube channel.


Online Courses

A range of online learning videos are available as part of the schemes legacy. These cover all aspects of the scheme's course delivery in art and heritage skills.

You can view these on our Events and Training page.