
Ingleborough Dales Rocks Website

The development of newly researched, written and designed webpages about the geology and geomorphology of the Ingleborough Dales area. The website will enable people to learn about the geology of the area, to visit suggested sites or walk some of the trails, and to know more about quarrying in the past and today.

Why is it special?

The Yorkshire Dales National Park was, in part, designated because of its special geological and geomorphological qualities, particularly in the Ingleborough Dales area. Ingleborough’s peak is capped with millstone grit followed by further layers of limestones, shales, and sandstones that have formed the distinctive shape. Ingleborough’s distinctive shape is formed from alternating layers of limestones, shales, and sandstones, with a cap of millstone grit.

Them bones!

The story of these ‘bones’ of the landscape remains largely untold except in specialist publications, there is no online resource and as more and more people use the internet to find information this is becoming an increasing issue. Opening this world up to visitors will be of major benefit in promoting the enjoyment and understanding of the area.

Where to look

The webpages will be part of the Yorkshire Dales National Park Authority’s website. The webpages will be responsive and so will be viewable on mobile devices.


Yorkshire Dales National Park Authority has appointed a specialist to research and write the content and contractors to produce images and maps.

If you’d like to find out more about this project, please contact Karen Griffiths, YDNPA Interpretation Officer