
Ingleborough for All

Ingleborough for All provides opportunities for people from disadvantaged backgrounds and groups that are currently under-represented in the countryside to enable them to experience the Ingleborough Dales area through a variety of fun and thought-provoking activities. They will meet inspiring local people, learn about the area’s social history, visit farms, walk through this amazing countryside, and be connected to the rich heritage and landscape of the area.

Why it matters?

The Ingleborough Dales is an area that everyone can enjoy and get involved with. By building lasting connections, beneficiaries will want to return to the Ingleborough Dales independently in the future.

What we can offer

  • Day visits – nature walks, environmental activities, kite flying, quarry and farm visits
  • Conservation work – tree planting, lambing, woodland management and path laying
  • Training – to provide skills for individuals wanting to lead groups in the outdoors and organise their own events
  • Help with transport costs
  • Outdoor gear – walking boots and waterproofs for our typical Dales weather!

An important part of the project will be the dissemination of our experiences to wider audiences through the delivery of workshops and training and giving presentations at regional and national events and for other organisations.

For an examples of group activities, please see the videos below.

Get in touch

If you’d like to find out more about this project or have a group that would like to visit the area, please contact Judy Rogers, Ingleborough for All Officer.

Ingleborough for All is part of YDMT’s ongoing outreach work delivered through the People and the DALES project. To find out more visit the People and the Dales Webiste and follow us on facebook.